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The first priority in each of the lives of those who lead the Parish in the various aspects of parish life, is their personal committment to the worship of Almighty God. Nothing is more important than this fundamental aspect of a Christian's life. Plenty of time is given to the attention of the temporal needs of the parish, but only after due time is given to God in worship. All Vestry members, Parish development leaders, and all in positions of responsibility are dedicated to Christ! 


The Rev. Father Paul Andreasen, Rector
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Fr. Paul Andreasen is the third rector of St. Stephen’s Anglican Catholic Church.  He has had a wide and varied career.  Fr. Paul retired from the US Army after nearly 30 years of service with many tours overseas, including the Middle East.  He is a Board-Certified Chaplain with extensive experience in Hospice and Psychiatric settings. 


Fr. Paul came to the Anglican Catholic Faith after being an Eastern Orthodox Priest for nearly 10 years.  He holds a Masters in Counseling and is certified as a Spiritual Director from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Austin, Texas.  He is a Grief Recovery Method Specialist and is completing his credentialing as a professional coach. 


He has been married to Marcella for over 30 years, and they have three children. 

The Rev. Father Sean Seaquist, Curate

Father Sean Seaquist was ordained to the diaconate on July 16, 2022 and has been Curate of St. Stephen's Anglican Catholic Church since then. On April 23rd, 2023 Father Sean was ordained to the priesthood. Born in Corpus Christi, Texas, he has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Ancient Mediterranean Studies from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas and is presently pursuing a Master's of Divinity degree from the King's University in Southlake, Texas.

Parish Leadership - The Vestry

Our pastoral staff and parish leadership team are fully committed to the growth of God's Kingdom, and providing a loving, spiritual environment for all to encounter God in Word, Sacrament, Prayer, and Service to others.

The Administration of our Parish is accomplished through our Vestry. With the Rector, our Vestry is comprised of a Senior Warden, whose duty it is to represent the concerns and needs of the Parish to the Rector as well as represent the decisions taken at vestry meetings to the Parish. In essence, the Sr. Warden is the first Executive Officer of the Parish, and is responsible to the Rector.  The Junior Warden is charged with the responsibility to oversee the proper function and maintence of our facilities. The Parish Treasurer is responsible for maintaining all of the financial aspects of the Parish, and 3 additional vestrymen provide for the proper deliberation over providing for the temporal needs of the parish.




Join us for Mass every

Sunday at 10:30am.


(945) 333-6428


11 Horseman Dr.
Lucas, TX 75002



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